
TV Review: The After, “Pilot”

the afterGenre: Drama | Sci-Fi

Creators: Chris Carter

Network: Amazon Instant Video

Air Date/Time: February 6, 2014

Written by: Chris Carter

Directed by: Chris Carter


From Chris Carter, creator of The X-Files. Eight strangers are thrown together by mysterious forces and must help each other survive in a violent world that defies explanation.

I now fully consider Amazon Instant Video an official contender in the television market. Meaning, with this show, The After, they have a winner, and if you haven’t watched it already, you need to.

I had my standards sufficiently lowered after their first attempt to woo sci-fi lovers with their television version of Zombieland, which I didn’t hate. But if they make The After into a series, I can easily guarantee my full, committed and undying love.

After a nice, peaceful set up, this show had me on the edge of my seat and constantly surprised. The pilot episode follows actress Gigi Generau (played by Louise Monot) as she does about a typical day in her life when suddenly things take a dramatic turn and she is forced to work together with seven strangers to unravel what’s happening.

Could I be more vague? Because I’m trying. This show is best served cold, it’s mysteries to be unraveled in viewing. Avoid spoilers because if you’re here and reading this, then you already have an affinity for sci-fi, and this show is sci-fi at it’s finest.

And, it should be, of course, because it’s being served to us in creation, writing and direction by X-Files creator Chris Carter. And even though I knew this going into the show, I still wasn’t prepared for the awesome.

I really hope you enjoy this show as much as I did and I really hope you will not only watch the show but protest your love on the Amazon site (link below) because this is the type of sci-fi goodness that needs to be made.

I give The After, “Pilot”, Five Out of Five Stars.


Watch the pilot episode of The After now on Amazon Instant Video! Then be sure and leave feedback to keep this show in our lives! Here’s a link!




Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com