
TRUE BLOOD: Sam’s Puppy Paw Gets Caught In Pandora’s Box

And so it begins again… HBO’s hit supernatural drama “True Blood” is back with its third season and it’s not letting poor Sam Merlotte alone. This third season will see Sam confront his past. His dark past has been eluded to in previous episodes, but never fully explored until this new season. Check out what actor Sam Trammell has to say about his character’s storyline in season three.

Puppy Gets His Paw in Pandora’s Box:

“I am really excited about it. I have a really intense storyline this year that involves seeking out my biological parents against sort of the warnings of my adoptive parents. It’s kind of like a Pandora’s box he opens that he can’t close.”

“It was part of Sam’s sketchy past that brought Maryann to Bon Temps. I think Sam, on the top of Season 3 and the finale at the end of Season 2 wants to face this dark past. He did a lot of bad things that we don’t know about.”

Why look for Sam’s biological parents now?
“I think Sam has been scared to find his parents. First because they gave him up and he doesn’t know why. Also, Sam does have a bit of a dark side that emerges later this season and he starts to wonder where that came from. If his parents are the origin of that. Then there was also the warning my adopted parents give him, that they were not good people. There’s part of Sam that expects them to be a rough crew, but he couldn’t have imagined what he was getting into.”

“The Mickens are a Pandora’s Box that Sam thinks he can open up. Sam thinks he can meet them, get what he wants from them and then say goodbye. But it does not work like that. They are in my life now. Dealing with his family is a major thing for Sam this whole year. They have their own agendas, their own secrets and it’s pretty unbelievable what gets revealed. I think The Mickens generate some of the biggest surprises in the whole year for any of the characters – it’s pretty major.”

On how Sam’s brother Tommy changes the family dynamic:

“Why did they keep Tommy and not Sam? There are so many different kinds of emotion that come up in this situation. For Tommy too, I think he feels betrayed by his parents for not being told he has a brother. That’s a different kind of betrayal than Sam might feel. He literally has been lied to his whole life, it’s a pretty major deal for him.”

Will Sam ever find love?

“There is a new waitress. I don’t want to spoil anything, but Sam has slept with just about every waitress that has come through Merlotte’s, which has not been good for him. The first one got murdered. Sookie broke his heart. Tara kind of dissed him. And ah, Daphne, you know, she betrayed him and tried to kill him, so, you know [laughs], Sam doesn’t have very good luck with women. That’s for sure.”

Sam on how the third season is the best yet:

“The writers have gone back and delved deeper into developing each and every character. I’m really excited because I’m sure this is our best season yet and to have your third season be the best is definitely a testament to the cast and crew. It’s so easy to make a bad movie or bad TV show and I just feel like we’re in good groove right now. It’s relentlessly exciting, the writing is beautiful and we really deliver an insane ride.”

“True Blood” airs on HBO, Sundays at 9/8C.

[Source] Zap2It, NY Post

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!