
True Blood Goes Italian with New Season Five Cast Member

We told you back in October that True Blood would be casting for two new female vampire roles as regulars for season 5, and told you a couple of weeks ago that one had been found. Now, so has the other. No shocker here, she’s gorgeous, so she’ll fit right in with the rest of the eye candy cast of HBO‘s hit series.

Italian actress Valentina Cervi (Miracle at St. Anna), who was completely charming in PBS‘s Masterpiece Mystery: Zen, will be playing the part of Salome, and we don’t mean she just has a biblical name. She will reportedly be that biblical person, the one who danced for her step-dad Herod.

TVLine first broke the news, and reports:

The 35-year-old beauty will play Salome, an ancient vampire who is a world class seductress and fiercely intelligent. She also has quite a lot of madness in her. She is the most powerful person in every way yet capable of hiding this power when it serves her purposes.

I can think of more than one Bon Temps resident who will not be thrilled with the new arrival.

True Blood is expected to return to our screens with Season 5 in 2012 on HBO.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com