
TRUE BLOOD: Debbie Pelt Has Been Cast, Looks To Snag Daddy Northman Next

Finally, the role of Debbie Pelt, the ex-girlfriend of werewolf, Alcide, has been cast! The actress cast in this part is Brit Morgan (“The Middleman” on ABC Family). Pelt doesn’t take too kindly to Sookie so things will be very interesting this next third season of HBO’s “True Blood”.

The news doesn’t stop there, we know about Godric (played by Allan Hyde) who made Eric Northman into a vampire and now “True Blood” is looking to introduce us to Eric’s human father, King Ulfrick. A casting call for Eric Northman’s Viking father is for flashback sequences and requires said actor to be able to fluently speak Swedish. Wishful thinking led to the obvious suggestion of casting Alexander Skarsgård’s internationally acclaimed actor-father, Stellan Skarsgård in the part, but his reps struck rumors down. Here’s the casting description for King Ulfrick:

“In his 40s to 50s, warm, a battle-scarred Swedish Viking king, [Ulfrick] is Eric’s father, seen in a flashback to 900 A.D. Though they have a good relationship, there is some tension between father and son, because Ulfrick wants Eric to learn responsibility and behave in a manner befitting royalty…GUEST STAR (47) ACTOR MUST SPEAK FLUENT SWEDISH.”


Now, I’m not sure if this actor speaks Swedish per say, but I would like to suggest Vladimir Kulich (pictured below) who played Buliwyf in “The Thirteenth Warrior”. He has the physicality to play the role being  6’-5” and blonde. Kulich undoubtedly has experience to play a Viking warrior!

Or how about another actor from “The Thirteenth Warrior”, Dennis Storhoi (pictured below to left), a Swedish actor, who while is just shy of six feet tall, he brings a great energy to the screen.

[Source] THR, E!

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!