
TRUE BLOOD: 2, 4, 6, and now 8! The Latest Season 4 Sneak Peek

Wow, these clips are coming fast and furious! HBO recently released the first two minutes of True Blood season 4, which premieres on June 26. Then it was the first four minutes, then the first six, and now, here are the first EIGHT minutes of the new season. And this is… well, it’s not your previous-seasons True Blood, that’s for sure. If you’ve never seen True Blood before, watch this and believe me, most fans will be in the same boat as you, having little idea about most of these people and places. Some come on, join us!
Wait, WHAT? That Disney-like opening followed by Sookie’s “I feel nauseous” is a RIOT. But these latest two minutes – why do I feel like we’re now watching the original Star Trek? Which, of course, I love! I’ll be sorry to see Game of Thrones finish off its inaugural season this Sunday, but COME ON True Blood Season 4!

True Blood Season 4 premieres on HBO Sunday, June 26 at 9/8c.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com