
TRON: Legacy – New International Posters and a Look at TRON Night

Walt Disney Pictures has released some very cool posters for the upcoming Joseph Kosinski directed film, TRON: Legacy. The posters are for the South Korean market and the moviegoers in the land of the rising sun hit the jackpot. Along with the posters, there are some images and video of the TRON Night Special Event that was held last Thursday at theaters around the world.

We have also included the clip from TRON: Legacy that we posted on Friday (in case you missed it) that was part of the footage shown on TRON Night. Check out all the goodies from the grid below, and let us know what you think in the comments.

[Click Images To Blow Sh!t Up]

Posters via kino-govno | Photos via Walt Disney Pictures

Clip: Tron Legacy – Tron Night

Clip: Tron Legacy – Tron Night

Clip: TRON: Legacy – Quorra Saves Sam

TRON: Legacy is slated to hit theaters on December 17th, 2010 and stars Jeff Bridges, Michael Sheen, Olivia Wilde, Garrett Hedlund, Serinda Swan, Bruce Boxleitner and Beau Garrett. The film is directed by Joseph Kosinski.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®