
TRON LEGACY: Encom ID Badge Arrives, Leads To Employee Intranet

We told you just last week about the Tron Legacy viral fame over at ArcadeAid.com, which required you to identify 56 hidden games titles in order to acquire your very own Encom I.D. badge so that you could Infiltrate ENCOM. Well, I received a package in the mail today from ‘Flynn Lives‘. The package contained an ENCOM employee ID Badge (Including a nice lanyard emblazoned with the Encom logo), and a note from ‘Zack’ (See below).

[Click Images To Blow Sh!t Up]

You’ll notice in the top right hand corner of the ID Badge, there is a QR Code. I broke out my trusty BlackBerry and launched my QR Code scanner, scanned the code and it brought me to the Encom International – Employee Intranet.

Once here, I could login with my employee identification number on the badge, and my password from my FlynnLives.com account.

And… SUCCESS, I’m in!

Oh look, I have 5 new email messages… hmm, we’ll get back to that later.

As you scroll down the page, you’ll notice a posting about an ‘Upcoming Announcement’ that will take place in less than two weeks. Checking my handy Con calendar, the only thing I could find within that time frame is ‘WonderCon’ in San Francisco. What is the picture just below the announcement? Yep, that’s San Francisco!

Next, we have some corporate mumbo-jumbo, but we’re going to check in to that email box just below.. so keep scrolling.

Now, here we are at my Encom inbox, you’ll notice my first initial and last name in the upper left hand corner and to the right of that, my employee ID number (from the badge) and my security access level ‘Group #7‘. If you don’t remember from the original Tron movie, this was the same access level granted to Kevin Flynn and Lora.

Now, on to the messages….

Nothing too informative in the message above, although – Lila seems to be missing, and it was a “KILLER” party. I’m not sure if we’re supposed to be reading too much into that but, was Lila killed at the party? or perhaps she vanished like Kevin Flynn? Could Lila be Olivia Wilde’s character, ‘Quorra’?

The next three messages seem to be harmless corporate bitching… so, skip down to the last message.

While the message above doesn’t seem to have any significance to the movie, or the viral ARG, it is nostalgic…and it’s from Alan Bradley (Bruce Boxleitner/Tron himself).

There you have it, keep an eye out for an ENCOM announcement between April 2nd and 4th – straight out of WonderCon, and as always we will bring you the latest on TRON LEGACY, right here on SciFiMafia.com

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®