
TRON LEGACY Director Updates On His OBLIVION Novel And Film

Back in July of last year, Tron Legacy director Joseph Kosinski announced that he was going to direct an original film that he devised called Oblivion. The sci-fi epic follows an exiled soldier on a desolate planet, charged with exterminating a primitive alien race. His understanding of the mission changes when he encounters another visitor to the world.

Kosinski recently at down for an interview to give a brief update on the progression of the project.

“‘Oblivion’ is steaming ahead, We’re hoping to have a preview of the illustrated novel — it’s not a comic book — by this year’s Comic-Con. It’s going to be a wide-format, hardcover novel with about 40 or 50 fully illustrated plates in it. We’re hoping to also get the script written for the movie in the near future as well.”

Even though he isn’t handling writing chores on the project, Kosinski says he staying in close contact with writer Arvid Nelson (“Rex Mundi”) and artist Andree Wallin.

Kosinski said,

“I’ve been working closely with those two on the book, and hopefully we’ll get the film in development in the near future as well”

While “Oblivion” seems to sit on the fence between comic books and movies, Kosinski said you won’t see him getting behind the camera for a traditional capes-and-tights superhero project any time soon.

“I was never really a comic book kid, I’m not a traditional superhero fanboy.”

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®