
Trailer for THE PURGE Shows us a World Where Violence and Crime are Acceptable for 12 Hours


The Purge takes place in the not-so-distant future where crime of any kind is acceptable for 12 hours. Ethan Hawke (Gattica), Lena Headey (Game of Thrones), Adelaide Kane (Power Rangers R.P.M.), and Max Burkholde (Brothers & Sisters) star in the movie where a family is attacked during this 12 hour period.


If on one night every year, you could commit any crime without facing consequences, what would you do? In The Purge, a speculative thriller that follows one family over the course of a single night, four people will be tested to see how far they will go to protect themselves when the vicious outside world breaks into their home.

In an America wracked by crime and overcrowded prisons, the government has sanctioned an annual 12-hour period in which any and all criminal activity—including murder—becomes legal. The police can’t be called. Hospitals suspend help. It’s one night when the citizenry regulates itself without thought of punishment. On this night plagued by violence and an epidemic of crime, one family wrestles with the decision of who they will become when a stranger comes knocking.

When an intruder breaks into James Sandin’s (Ethan Hawke) gated community during the yearly lockdown, he begins a sequence of events that threatens to tear a family apart. Now, it is up to James, his wife, Mary (Lena Headey), and their kids to make it through the night without turning into the monsters from whom they hide.

Trailer: The Purge – Official Trailer

Looks very interesting. I’m looking forward to seeing Lena Headey dishing up some smack down.

The Purge starring Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey, Adelaide Kane, and Max Burkholder is slated to hit theaters on May 31, 2013.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com