
Toby Jones To Play Arnim Zola In Captain America: The First Avenger

Toby Jones (Infamous) is in final negotiations to portray villainous scientist, Arnim Zola in the Joe Johnston directed, Captain America: The First Avenger. Jones joins a cast that includes Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Hayley Atwell and Hugo Weaving.

Arnim Zola was a biochemist during World War II who became one of the first human genetic engineers in history. He found a ready home among the Nazi party, who saw his actions as the ability to ensure the existence of a master race. One of his first accomplishments was the creation of a brain pattern imprinting device, which would allow someone’s mental essence to be projected into a cloned brain.

Zola’s most noticeable feat, however, was performed upon himself. He has constructed a specially modified body which lacks a head. Instead, Zola’s face is located – via holographic projection – on his chest, and atop his shoulders is an ESP Box, a psychotronic device which he uses to exert his control over his monster creations. In a limited effect, the Box can also be used as an offensive weapon. Whenever his current body is damaged, or utterly destroyed, Arnim is able to send his personality to another one stored elsewhere, thus giving himself a form of immortality.

In recent years, Zola’s experiments were financed by another master Nazi, the Red Skull. Under the Skull’s auspices, Zola produced such advanced genetic creatures as Primus and Doughboy. Despite the nature and scope of his work, Zola managed to keep his existence a secret for decades until he encountered Captain America in the jungles of Central America where he was conducting some experiments for the Skull. Zola abducted Captain America to his stronghold in Switzerland but the Avenger managed to escape. Zola also assisted the Red Skull in his plan to recreate the Cosmic Cube. Finally severing ties with the Skull, Zola recently attempted to raid Northwind Observatory in order to confiscate Dr. Bruce Banner’s various scientific discoveries. This effort ended in failure, and Zola was apparently destroyed in an explosion. Whether or not he is truly dead, however, remains to be seen.

Captain America: The First Avenger is slated to hit theaters on July 22, 2011.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®