
There Could Really Be No Other Composer for STAR WARS: EPISODE VII

John Williams

I think I would have been a major disappointment if John Williams had not been invited to come back to work on Star Wars: Episode VII. It would have been a decision that could have only made sense if he had passed away, and even then, WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY. John Williams is as much a part of the Star Wars franchise as The Force. I just couldn’t imagine the movies without him, and thank goodness we don’t have to.

Check out the interview below where John Williams himself talks about his involvement in Star Wars VII.

Featurette: Star Wars: Episode VII – John Williams

I just love it when you can really see what a real fan he is of the movies. It comes through in the music, for sure.

We’ll keep you posted on Star Wars: Episode VII, directed by J. J. Abrams.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com