
The Walking Dead Gets Even Creepier

Well maybe not creepier than a zombie torso, but STILL. We recently brought you some great photos and behind the scenes footage released by AMC from the first day of shooting season 2 of their amazing The Walking Dead.

We have now learned from TVLine that The Walking Dead has cast Pruitt Taylor Vince (The Mentalist, Deadwood, Murder One) in a Season 2 recurring role – NOT as a zombie. His best known work, though, has been extremely creepy, psychologically speaking. He in fact excels at creepy. Will this part be a stretch for  him, or may we expect more of the extremely creepy same?

Season Two of The Walking Dead is expected to premiere in October on AMC.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com