
The Stars of the New Syfy Series LOST GIRL Give Us the Scoop

You may have heard of Syfy’s new show Lost Girl from Canadian friends, where the show has been running for two seasons, or from press releases and clips we’ve been showing you here on SciFi Mafia. Now, hear about it from the stars of the series. Anna Silk (Bo), Zoie Palmer (Lauren) and Kris Holden-Reid (Dyson) took some time to speak to the press about the US premiere of their show.

Sci Fi Vision asked what we can expect from the new show:

Anna Silk: So, what we can expect in first season, I mean the first season really introduces the audience to Bo and her journey sort of going into this whole Fae world that you recently discovered that she’s a part of. And the different people she meets along the way in that first season, really become her sort of makeshift family in this world, and Lauren, played by Zoie, and Dyson, played by Kris, are two of the very interesting characters that she meets.

Kris Holden-Ried: Sure, I’ll just pop in for a sec. Yeah, from Dyson’s perspective. I mean for season one what we see is the “Lost Girl” Anna Silk playing Bo who appears on the scene, a Fae who’s been born into a human family and didn’t know she was Fae. (She is) in this entire other world that she didn’t know existed.

And my character, Dyson, is one of the ones that find her, just because in his job in the world, that’s kind of his thing. He finds not only criminals but people who have done things that they shouldn’t have done, in other words Fae who are exposing themselves to humans. He finds Bo and a wild crazy 13 episodes ensue.

Zoie Palmer: Yeah, and then I guess just to finish off, I play Dr. Lauren Lewis, and so I’m doctor to the Light Fae. There are two types of Fae. There’s the light and the dark. And I’m a doctor and a scientist to the light side. And Bo comes to me for some help on how to control some of the things that are happening for her, as she sort of realizes what she is, starts to learn what she is, which is a Fae. And she comes to me to kind of see if I can perhaps help her with my science-y self, as I refer to myself on the show.

Anna Silk: And just to expand further on, Bo did grow up thinking she was human as Kris said and does discover she’s Fae, but not only is she Fae, she’s actually a succubus, you know. So it’s a pretty rude awakening really early on in the season. And she sort of answers a lot of questions for her, but it opens the door to many more questions. And that’s sort of what we explore in the first season is how she fits into this world and the relationships she develops along the way.

I know several people were asking if the show was similar to any others in any way, so I asked.

SciFi Mafia: Hi, thanks so much for being on the call. I have a lot of international friends who are big fans of the show, so I’m really looking forward to seeing it.

Anna Silk: Awesome.

SciFi Mafia: Can you give us an idea of what shows are similar to yours in tone and style and content, just to give people an idea how to approach it?

Anna Silk: Well, we’ve often gotten the “Buffy” comparison over the last few seasons. We’re well into our second season here in Canada, and we still get that comparison, which is a huge compliment. But I have to say that I really think “Lost Girl” has such a unique voice. There’s a lot of darkness. There’s a lot of humor. It’s a pretty sexy show.

It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before on television, and it’s so, I mean the “Buffy” comparison is really nice. We get “True Blood” comparisons, I guess, as well, and there’s an investigative side to things as well. So I guess it’s a lot of different things all rolled into one.

Zoie Palmer: Yeah, but those are the ones that come up I guess a lot, right, would be “Buffy” and “True Blood” and…

Anna Silk: Yeah.

Zoie Palmer: … in that genre of – it’s not a vampire show, but we certainly get compared to anything that has that kind of feel to it.

Kris Holden-Ried: “Scooby-Doo.”

Anna Silk: “Scooby-Doo.”

Kris Holden-Ried: No, no.

Anna Silk: Kris, that makes you Shaggy. You know that.

Kris Holden-Ried: Yeah, sorry. I can’t really comment on that one, because I don’t really watch much TV. I don’t know what’s out there.

Anna Silk: Well, we watch enough for you.

Kris Holden-Ried: Yeah, I know you do.

Rabid Doll asked the actors if they think that social media has contributed to Lost Girl‘s success:

Kris Holden-Ried: Definitely. We’re actually quite lucky to have an executive producer who is quite media savvy. And he kind of learned early on, I believe from some of his other series or that’s he’s been involved with, about how influential Internet and media exposure can be. So he actually hired some people who he knew functioned well in that world, but I’m not quite sure where he found them from. But we’ve said, “Hey, look, this is our show, and if you like it, talk about it, if not, don’t worry about it.” Lucky for us, they really enjoyed it. It’s been fantastic in creating buzz and just, within that world, people communicate with each other on such a fast level. And if you can get people that are interested in your show in that world, then yeah, it does a world of good. Then they were asked how comfortable they are with the social media buzz:

Zoie Palmer: I think that, I mean, correct me if I’m wrong guys, but I think it’s been pretty great. And it’s overwhelming but it’s been exceptional. And having the ability to interact with people who watch the show is kind of thrilling for us too, to be able to have that kind of feedback and to get a sense of how passionate the audience have been, and they have been very much so. So it’s been great to actually be able to be a part of their response to it.

Anna Silk: Yeah, and there’s been such an outpouring of support for the show. I mean people that follow us on Twitter and various things, they really are big fans of the show and really care about each character and each relationship. And whenever I tweet, there’s one girl in particular who always writes back within, usually a minute. Now if she doesn’t, I start to get worried about her. I think she’s in France, and I was like, where is she? She hasn’t written back. I start to get worried, because the response is so quick. It’s really great.

Kris Holden-Ried: But what I also found, which is real interesting is not just of the characters but the fans through these media outlets really get in touch with the person who’s playing the role…

Zoie Palmer: Yeah.

Kris Holden-Ried: …and can build quite the – I’m amazed at the power of a relationship that you can – 255 characters or however many Twitter allows you to write. I think it’s something like that, because you know, about six months, just like Anna said, I’ve gotten to know these people. I know exactly who’s talking about it.

If you’d like to follow them on Twitter, by the way, click for Anna Silk, Zoie Palmer, and Kris Holden-Ried.

These three were clearly having fun on the call and with each other; if their chemistry offscreen transfers to their onscreen time, this show should be a blast.

Lost Girl premieres tonight, January 16 at 10/9c on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com