
The Stars of LOST GIRL Talk With SciFi Mafia About Working in Sci-Fi

Have you seen Syfy’s Lost Girl yet? If not, check out the review we posted earlier today, and then make sure to check out tonight’s new episode. Lost Girl started out in Canada and is currently on hiatus, getting ready to shoot season 3. Lucky Canadians have already seen the second season,  but we’ll be getting Season 2 immediately after the Season 1 finale next month, so we’ll be catching up. The best news of all is that the show was renewed for a third season, which with any luck we’ll also get to see here in the U.S. on Syfy.

Three of the show’s stars, Anna Silk who plays main character Bo, Ksenia Solo who plays her best friend Kenzi, and Kris Holden-Ried, who plays shape shifter and sometimes-love interest Dyson, were all on a conference call recently to talk about the first season, and were nice enough to answer some questions from the media, including SciFi Mafia.

Suites101.com asked about the impact of having the series air in the U.S.:

Ksenia Solo: It’s cool because Lost Girl is shown all over the world, and it was showing in Australia and England before it ever aired in the states. So I think it’s just a really great addition to our audience and we’ve wanted to air in the states for a long time.

So it’s been really exciting for us.

Anna Silk: Yeah and there’s such an online community sort of globally so it was interesting to see that people from Australia and the UK and from Canada are sort of already in touch with the new fan base in the US. So I’ve definitely because I’m in the US right now, I definitely feel an impact on the show.

just more people being vocal about it, people sharing online what they like about it and it’s been really pretty great.

Kris Holden-Ried: Yeah, absolutely. It’s such a huge audience and they love, they tend to love this genre, Americans and there’s been so many other successful shows down there in the sci fi genre.

And we’re so glad that we’re part of the party.

Bitch Stole My Remote asked them their perspectives on playing such overly sexual characters “because I think it’s incredibly refreshing”:

Anna Silk: Well Bo is essentially an overly sexual character because that’s what she is. I mean she’s a succubus so that’s who and what she is.

It’s definitely refreshing, I think it’s one of the things that we’re most proud of on the show is the fact that there’s this love triangle that gets established in the first season between Bo and Dyson and Bo and Lauren.

And both of those relationship kind of rival each other, they’re really strong. They’re sexual and they’re real. So I definitely think I agree with you, it is refreshing and it is something that we’re really proud of.

It’s funny, in watching some of the episodes from first seasons which I’ve done lately to kind of try to remember what we did, I can’t believe how many people I kissed.

Like oh my gosh, I kissed so many people which is an interesting part of my job, but it’s an important part of the show and an important part of the character.

Kris Holden-Ried: I think one of the things that we’re really blessed with on our show is the great chemistry we all have with each other. So it really makes taking a leap from a true caring friendship with the actor you’re working with and then spinning it towards putting in tones of sexiness isn’t a difficult step.

And that real trust and chemistry we have with each other is I think what transcends through the screen.

Anna Silk: Yeah, and we all like each other too, we’ve – we just – it’s not Kris is very likeable obviously and very respectful actor to work with.

So any of the stuff that we’ve done is just sort of comes out of mutual respect and caring for one another. It works.

Ksenia Solo: And I think sexuality is such an important part of life and I think the fact that our show is so open to it, and it doesn’t matter if you’re gay or straight or you’re blue or black or green.

It doesn’t matter, it’s open to the entire human race, it’s open to everybody and for Kenzi she doesn’t have that much to do with the sexual content in Season One but in Season Two she gets her own taste of it.

SciFi Vision asked them what they’d like to know about their characters that hasn’t yet been revealed:

Anna Silk: I mean I think that for Bo I mean we sort of – I had a pretty clear understanding of what her back story was before we ever started Season One and I’ve gotten to know more as the series has progressed through writers and through my own imagination.

But not as much as been shown to the audience yet so that’s something that will be shown in Season Two and certainly in Season Three and I just think it would be good for people to see a little bit more about where Bo came from.

And why she was the way she was at the beginning of the series, pretty new to everything really. A real fish out of water I guess, but I don’t know what else I’d like to – I think that revealing things a little bit at at time is kind of the way to do it.

I think that’s all Bo can handle and I think it’s better for the audience that way as well.

Kris Holden-Ried: With Dyson in Season Two we get to explore a little bit of his past, there’s some flashbacks in an episode. I’d love to see a little bit more of that, I love showing the different sort of age of that, our characters have lived throughout.

And I think that brings a nice depth and breadth to the show. But I’m looking forward to hopefully some more back-story exposed and maybe some flashbacks.

Anna Silk: and you’ll get to see Kris in sexy long hair in that flashback.

Ksenia Solo: I would love to also explore even Kenzi’s childhood and her family and her family’s ties to the Russian mafia and why she ended up living alone on the streets and where she gets her kleptomaniac tendencies from and all these kind of cool things that I think we can really delve much deeper into.

I would love to explore it more.

And SciFi Mafia asked them each to talk about what they like and dislike about working in sci-fi:

Kris Holden-Ried: I’ll start. I love working in sci fi and fantasy genre because it allows us to have so many different creative story lines and characters that we can explore.

I mean having super powers or being able to be really old, these are things that as an artist, don’t get to often explore or learn to express. It’s a lot of fun, it’s very imaginative and it’s a great playing field to work with.

So yeah, I’d do it all the time. The only downside is I don’t know, I don’t really get one but the girls I guess have to wear a lot of tight uncomfortable fitting corsets and stuff.

Ksenia Solo: I think the only downside is when you have like crazy intense emotional scenes but you’re acting against a green screen, or like a tennis ball.

Like that’s always an interesting experience. And you always feel a little bit stupid I have to admit but the challenge is just making it as real as possible.

But I completely agree with Kris that you get to kind of go outside of reality and it’s always a lot of fun. You get to go wild.

Anna Silk: Yeah, I mean you get to really – you get to just play. this scenario on the show and the circumstances and all the stuff that’s going on is really real to these characters.

And we take it seriously but we don’t necessarily take the world that seriously because it’s crazy Fae world, so we get to laugh at it a lot too.

And have fun with it, but – and the downside, I don’t know, I mean I guess along the lines of what Ksenia said I’ve had to like sword fight something that’s not there.

And it’s a little weird but you just have to trust that you – that it’s going to look good in the end, and it usually does. SO it’s good.

And since I had told them that both my husband and I really love the show, it finished like this:

Erin Willard: Great, thanks so much and thanks for your great show.

Anna Silk: Thank you, thanks for watching. And thank your husband too.

Erin Willard: I will.

Ksenia Solo: That’s our goal, bringing married couples together in front of the TV.

Anna Silk: Yes.

They were as much fun to talk to as they are to watch onscreen. Thanks to Anna Silk, Ksenia Solo and Kris Holden-Ried for taking the time to talk with us.

Lost Girl airs Mondays at 10/9c on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com