
The POLTERGEIST Remake Gets a Director and Producer Who Are More Than Qualified


Sometimes we can see the words “movie remake” and we can grab our childhood memories, wrap them around our VHS tapes and stomp our feet saying, “OH NO YOU WON’T.” But let’s look at “movie remake” like a chance for technology and new acting and directing chops to take a hack at what is undeniably a great story. The Poltergeist remake is happening, people, and it just might be awesome.

MGM has found a director who is best known for Monster House and City Of Ember, Gil Kenan, according to Deadline. He joins producer Sam Raimi (OZ: The Great and Powerful) in the quest to remake the classic 1982 horror film about a family thrilled to move into their dream home only to have it come alive with ghosts.

I’m completely on board for this and can’t wait to see what Gil Kenan and Sam Raimi have up their sleeves for us.

We’ll keep you posted on MGM’s Poltergeist.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com