
The First TRUE BLOOD Season 5 TV Spot and Behind the Scenes Pics

Hot on the heels of the new Game of Thrones trailer comes the first True Blood TV spot for the upcoming fifth season. Be forewarned, there are no clips, there are no characters. Still, if you’re a fan, it’s always great to see something, anything about the show. In that frame of mind, here you go:


Yes indeed, it looks like our favorite burn man from that other great Horror Story – see what I did there? – will be back from his, err, “rest.” Will the chained vampire be a changed vampire? My personal theory? No.

You want more, you say? How about a couple of behind the scenes pics from the official behind-the-scenes blog, taken last week? First up is a pic of the Merlotte’s sign coming out of storage:

And here’s a pic of the wolves who’ll be appearing in the new season. Apparently this was taken by showrunner Alan Ball, while they were deciding which wolf would play which character. Yes, seriously.

Last year, Game of Thrones ran from April 17 through June 19, and True Blood began on June 26. This year, Game of Thrones runs from April 1 through June 3, so if things go the same way this year as last year… maybe we’ll be seeing Bon Temps anew starting on June 10. I’m hoping that, though IMDb shows the first episode as airing June 24, that’s just based on last year’s start date. The official HBO word is “Summer 2012” and I’d like to think they don’t mean literally.

As always, we’ll keep y’all posted.

True Blood, starring Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, and Alexander Skarsgard, returns for season 5, Summer 2012, on HBO.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com