
THE EVENT: [Spoiler] Who Is The Key To The Story? When Will The Event Be Revealed?

So far, we are three episodes into NBC’s sci-fi thriller, The Event. In a show where questions are answered by more questions, it would help to know who really is the key to understanding the whole story, wouldn’t it? Actor Jason Ritter, who plays Sean Walker, a fugitive from the law AND whoever is behind the presidential assassination attempt, says that his character’s kidnapped girlfriend, Leila (Sarah Roemer), and her family is the key:

“I think [the conspiracy] actually has more to do with Leila and her family than with Sean. We haven’t really gotten into where Leila works and what she does for a living. I think that has a lot to do with it.

[Michael (Scott Patterson)] might not be the family man that’s put in the terrible position that he appears to be in the first couple episodes. He might have some secrets of his own.”

[Above: Sarah Roemer and Jason Ritter as Leila and Sean in The Event]

But don’t count Ritter’s character, Sean, out. Ritter continues:

“I think Sean is something that everyone involved didn’t consider would be much of a problem. He just continues to be a thorn in their side.”

Will we find out what “The Event” is? Ritter is aware that some of the other cast members do know what it is, and he has an idea of when we might be let in on the answer:

“I know for a fact that Laura Innes (Sophia) knows [what the Event is].  I know for a fact that Ian Anthony Dale (Simon) knows.  I didn’t think Blair Underwood knew because I didn’t think that the President knows, but I think he does.  He’s let something slip one time that made me think he knows more than he should know.  When he got the part maybe they briefed him on everything.  I know one of the things that Blair was really concerned about before signing on to the show was, Is this another show that’s being made up as it goes along and fizzles out?  I think he wanted to know where it was going.  They are real tight lipped about it.  I keep on trying to get it out of them.

I don’t know [when ‘the Event’ will be revealed].  This is a total guess.  As far as I understand, it’s either going to be towards the end of season one or towards the beginning of season two.  Of course, I could be wrong.  It could come in episode eight.

[The writers] have the broad strokes for five seasons.  They’ve really plotted out much more specifically these first two.  There’s some flexibility, but the general plan is all there.  They know what the Event is.  They know where it’s going and when the Event is going to happen.  A lot of the story they want to tell takes place in the aftermath of the Event so the Event is not going to be a season six thing that everyone is bored of waiting for.  They’re getting through all of the pre-stories and they’ll get to the Event.  I don’t know if it will be an episode, or a couple episodes. I’m excited to find out what it is.”

According to Ritter, The Event is about the human dynamic of what happens when there isn’t full disclosure:

“One of the things that fascinated me about the show and the relationships with all the characters is how much fear can seep in with just a tiny gap in knowledge.

Take A Sneak Peek at Tonight’s Episode “A Matter of Life and Death” (Season One, Episode Four)

Watch The Event on NBC, Mondays at 9/8C.

[Source] Fancast

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!