
The Eleventh Doctor Appears On Jonathan Ross Show Tonight

Another “don’t miss” bit of television programming tonight for “Doctor Who” fans is Matt Smith, who plays the eleventh Doctor, appearing on the Jonathan Ross Show on BBC America. Perhaps this will give fans a better feel for who their next Doctor is and prove to skeptics that Smith is indeed worthy of the mantle of the Doctor?

Just how different will Smith’s Doctor be? Smith begins the discussion like this:

“My Doctor is clumsy, a little reckless, but becomes more assured as the series develops.”

As for the changes in the Tardis, Smith reveals his description of the re-done interior:

“It’s bigger on the inside, has different levels, other rooms including a library and is a different shade of blue outside.”

Be sure to watch Matt Smith’s interview on the Jonathan Ross Show for an advance preview of the Doctor encountering vampires.

Oscar and BAFTA-award winning actress, Emma Thompson (“Harry Potter”, “Nanny McPhee”) will also be on tonight’s show.

The Jonathan Ross show airs tonight, Friday on BBC America at 10pm ET/PT.

The season premiere of “Doctor Who” airs on Saturday, April 3rd on BBC One in the UK and on Saturday, April 17th on BBC America in the States.

[Source] BBC America

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!