
The Dark Knight Rises Viral Continues; Hints at Something Special Planned for Tomorrow

Well, that was quick! We just brought you the first volley of materials from Warner Bros. Pictures viral marketing campaign for director Christopher Nolan‘s forthcoming Bat-film, The Dark Knight Rises. Now, they have unleashed the second, which holds promise of a third part to hit tomorrow morning!

The first two documents released appeared to feature a mug shot of Israeli actor Alon Aboutboul (Castle, Fringe, The Mentalist), who was we reported back in May was cast as “a particularly evil mad scientist” in the film, along with a document appearing to be a transcript with some items redacted, showing a conversation between a militia member and the CIA Station Chief on the whereabouts of Dr. Leonid Pavel.

Now, the official Twitter account for The Dark Knight Rises @thefirerises has revealed the document below. Check it out!

[Click the Image to Blow Sh!t Up]

You’ll notice two mentions of “Operation Early Bird” and the time of 1000 hours PST, and if you visit OperationEarlyBird.com you are presented with a countdown clock that will run out at 10:00am PST as well. I think it’s safe to assume that we’ll be given an early look at the next trailer, or perhaps a sneak peek at the six minute prologue that’s scheduled to hit theaters on the 16th in IMAX theaters? Your guess is as good as mine!

We’ll bring you the latest on The Dark Knight Rises, right here on SciFiMafia.com… Stay Tuned!

The six minute prologue for The Dark Knight Rises can be seen prior to early release showings of Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol in select 70mm U.S. IMAX theaters on December 16th, and in select U.K. IMAX theaters on December 21st. For the full list of theaters CLICK HERE.

The Dark Knight Rises is slated to hit theaters on July 20th, 2012.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®