
The Apocalypse Must Be Bright- New BOOK OF ELI Posters Sports Shades

bookofeli denzil poster WIDE

Check out these new posters from IGN on “The Book Of Eli”, starring Denzel Washington, Mila Kunis, and Gary Oldman.  I wonder who has the sunglasses contract for this film!

Here’s a quick synopsis of the film:

“The Book of Eli” tells the story of a lone hero (Denzel Washington) who must fight his way across the wasteland of post-apocalyptic America to protect a sacred book that holds the key to saving the future of humanity.

These new posters show Mila Kunis as Solara, Denzel Washington as the title character Eli, and Gary Oldman as Carnegie. Click images to embiggen.




“The Book of Eli” premieres Jan. 15th, 2010.

[Source] IGN

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff