New ‘Bioshock’ Director Chosen By Universal

New ‘Bioshock’ Director Chosen By Universal

"28 Weeks Later" helmer Juan Carlos Fresnadillo is in talks to direct "Bioshock," the Universal Pictures adaptation of the Take-Two Interactive videogame. Gore Verbinski has stepped out of the directing slot, but remains the film's producer through his U-based Blind Wink [...]

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Suddenly, Everyone Wants To ‘Kick-Ass’

Three studios are competing to buy the film adaptation of Mark Millar’s creator-owned title Kick-Ass. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Lionsgate, Paramount and Universal are all interested in the movie. The film, directed and financed by Matthew Vaughan (Stardust), previewed last month [...]

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‘Fear Agent’ Launching to the Big Screen

‘Fear Agent’ Launching to the Big Screen

Universal could be heading to outer space. The studio is in early development on the Dark Horse sci-fi property "Fear Agent." The project is now an open-writing assignment, but there's a possibility that the studio could match a spec whose rights [...]

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‘Universal’ Wins ‘Asteroids’

‘Universal’ Wins ‘Asteroids’

Universal has won a four-studio bidding war to pick up the film rights to the classic Atari video game "Asteroids." Matthew Lopez will write the script for the feature adaptation, which will be produced by Lorenzo di Bonaventura. In "Asteroids," initially [...]

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Universal Puts The Brakes On Bioshock

Universal Puts The Brakes On Bioshock

Weeks after Gore Verbinski abandoned Pirates to focus on Bioshock, Universal has put the freeze on the project, which was well into the pre-production stage. According to Variety the studio balked at the budget (which was estimated to be $160 [...]

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