In another case of an animated primetime series resurrected from the dead, 20th Century Fox TV plans to produce 26 new episodes of "Futurama." Comedy Central will begin airing the new episodes in mid-2010. Voice actors Billy West (who played Philip [...]
Read moreRay Park, Rachel Melvin and Deanne Bray Join ‘Heroes’
Adding to our previous report about new cast additions and directions Heroes will be taking next season, we've also learned that The Force will be strong with Heroes as well. British actor and all around bad ass Ray Park, whose role [...]
Read moreHeroes: Turn And Face The Strange New Season
Tim Kring sent out a "Heroes All Access" newsletter to fans and the themes and storylines of the next season sound pretty intriguing: One of the big issues we'll be exploring is how should a person with abilities live his or [...]
Read more‘Smallville Moving to Fridays to Make Room for Vampires
The CW announced their 2009-2010 schedule today. It includes a day-change for Smallville and the addition of The Vampire Diaries. Smallville was moved to Fridays to make room for The Vampire Diaries, which will air before Supernatural on Thursday nights. Smallville [...]
Read moreNew Trailer for The CW’s ‘Vampire Diaries’
The Vampire Dairies centers on a teenage girl named Elena who falls for a new handsome and mysterious student, Stefan, who turns out to be a vampire. Unfortunately, Stefan, a good vampire, has a brother named Damon who's not so [...]
Read moreABC Releases Full Preview for V
ABC has released this full new preview of "V," which is a re-imagining of the 1980's miniseries about the world's first encounter with an alien race in which the aliens call themselves The Visitors, and have a seemingly friendly agenda [...]
Read moreA Look at ‘Human Target’
Only a week ago, we told you that FOX had picked up 'Human Target' based on the DC Comics Graphic Novel. Now we have some details and a trailer for the show, which gives some hints as to what we [...]
Read moreFirst Footage from ‘V’
The first footage from ABC's alien drama V delivers the goods. ABC entertainment president Steve McPherson says his network's remake of the 1980s miniseries "V" could consist of four seasons, planned in advance, each with 13-22 episodes each. The show [...]
Read moreSarah Connor Has Been Terminated
On the eve of the theatrical release of the big budget "Terminator: Salvation," Fox confirmed the TV series "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" has been, well, terminated. "It was not an inexpensive show," explained Fox entertainment president Kevin Reilly. "We had [...]
Read moreNBC Renews ‘Chuck’!
In the battle of Chuck vs. the Network Suits, the Buy More geek has prevailed. NBC has decided to give Josh Schwartz's well-liked action-comedy another shot next fall. The network picked up 13 episodes of the series from Warner Bros., which, in [...]
Read moreSimpsons Writer Brings Animated Sci-Fi Comedy to Comedy Central
Comedy Central is adding a number of shows to its schedule for the upcoming fall season. One of the network's more interesting projects comes from former Simpsons writer David Stern, who also worked on Monk and The Wonder Years. Stern's new [...]
Read moreDr. Horrible Hosts The 2009 Tony Awards
Ok, it's not really Dr. Horrible but Neil Patrick Harris is pulling a Hugh Jackman and has just been tapped to host the 2009 Tony Awards. Theater's biggest night is shaping up to be a star-studded occasion, with Geoffrey Rush, James [...]
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