Web Series Wednesday: WORLD OF STEAM

Web Series Wednesday: WORLD OF STEAM

Welcome back to the series of posts here at SciFi Mafia that we're calling Web Series Wednesday where we devote a space to the wonderment of the web series. Every Wednesday we'll cover an awesome web series and give [...]

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Book Review: Steampunk: An Illustrated History of Fantastical Fiction, Fanciful Film and Other Victorian Visions

Book Review: Steampunk: An Illustrated History of Fantastical Fiction, Fanciful Film and Other Victorian Visions

Author: Brian J. Robb; Foreword by James P. Blaylock Hardcover: 192 pages, 300 color images Publisher: Voyageur Press (November 17, 2012) ISBN-10: 0760343764 ISBN-13: 978-0760343760 Synopsis: Steampunk: An Illustrated History of Fantastical Fiction, Fanciful Film and Other Victorian Visions is the definitive book on the writers, film-makers, artisans and aesthetes who [...]

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Wonder Woman Steampunk’d

Wonder Woman Steampunk’d

With all the crazy press over the new Wonder Woman costume, I thought now would be a good time to post this. DeviantArt user PapaNinja created this pretty cool steampunk version of our favorite Amazon, and I have to say [...]

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Steam Punk’d Star Wars

Steam Punk’d Star Wars

I love steam punk. I love Star Wars. When you put the two together you get something so effing amazing that it may melt your face off. So just let that soak in before you decide to peruse the gallery [...]

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