We have given away copies of Suzanne Collins' book, The Hunger Games, published by Scholastic right here on SciFiMafia.com and have heard nothing but good things about it from the readers. We have known for awhile that there has been [...]
Read moreAnd the Winners Of Our HUNGER GAMES Book Giveaway Are…
Our good friends at Scholastic were kind enough to provide us with some great prizes for all of our Sci-Fi/Action Adventure readers out there, to celebrate the release of the arrival of Suzanne Collins first book in The Hunger Games [...]
Read moreWin A Copy Of THE HUNGER GAMES From SciFiMafia.com and Scholastic [Contest Closed]
Our good friends at Scholastic have provided SciFiMafia.com with some great prizes for all you Sci-Fi/Action Adventure readers out there. To celebrate the release of the arrival of Suzanne Collins first book in The Hunger Games Trilogy being released in [...]
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