New Photo of Stark From Iron Man 2

New Photo of Stark From Iron Man 2

So, Tony seems to be having a bit of car trouble in this particular scene (sorry couldn't resist). USA Today has published this new photo of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark in director Jon Favreau's Iron Man 2, opening in [...]

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First Look: Justin Hammer & Rhodey In Iron Man 2

First Look: Justin Hammer & Rhodey In Iron Man 2

3 new photos from Iron Man 2, which appear in Entertainment Weekly's Comic-Con preview issue. These photos include Don Cheadle, who replaced Terrance Howard as Col. James ‘Rhodey' Rhodes, Sam Rockwell appears in the background as the weapons manufacturer [...]

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Tony Stark Joins the Air Force

Tony Stark Joins the Air Force

The U.S. Air Force released two images on Wednesday of Iron Man 2 director Jon Favreau and star Robert Downey Jr. at Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California, where the superhero sequel shot earlier this month. Scenes from Iron [...]

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Tony Stark Suits Up

Tony Stark Suits Up

Picture of Robert Downey Jr. right from the set of Iron Man 2 He's suited up and ready to save the world! Back in action on the Iron Man 2 set, Robert Downey Jr. shoots a scene for the action film [...]

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