Randomness: Harlem Shake ala TWIN PEAKS

Randomness: Harlem Shake ala TWIN PEAKS

So there's this internet craze going on right now that you may have heard of called "Harlem Shake."  You'll have to research it on your own time, because my face just melted in aw at Kyle MacLachlan's Twin Peaks version [...]

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Amazing People Doing Alpha-y Things

If you're like us, then you're pretty depressed that Syfy cancelled Alphas, a show that enjoyed half the budget of NBC's Heroes, but with a power level of nine thousand times the story and heart of its predecessor. This morning I [...]

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Music Video: Gamer Girl, Country Boy

Music Video: Gamer Girl, Country Boy

Today Felicia Day tried her hand at some Southern rock with Jason Charles Miller, lead vocalist of Godhead and video game and anime voiceover veteran, in a fun and funny music video on her Geek and Sundry YouTube channel. You may not be a fan of the sound, [...]

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Watch This! Marvel Superheroes DISASSEMBLED

Watch This! Marvel Superheroes DISASSEMBLED

This. Is. Awesomesauce! Director Joss Whedon's big-screen superheroes in The Avengers are having a record breaking time at the box office, but do they, and the other Marvel Comics heroes ever have a bad day? Creator Junaid Chundrigar apparently wanted [...]

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Superman Has a Super Sissy Gorge

Superman Has a Super Sissy Gorge

Superman fan and talented animator, Mike Roberts, has answered a very important question that I didn't know has plagued me for years. He may be faster than a speeding bullet and more powerful than a locomotive, but Superman still gags [...]

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