Thor: How It Should Have Ended

Thor: How It Should Have Ended

The video's pretty funny, but my favorite part is the coffee shop scene at the end. That is a sitcom that I'd totally watch. It would be like No Heroics, but American (and admittedly, probably not as good). . [...]

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The Most Epic Nerf Battle Ever

The Most Epic Nerf Battle Ever

Play Doh C4? Nerf hollowpoints? These kids are packing some serious ordinance! The below video is chock full of animated violent imagery, and maybe NSFW in some situations...but it's really cool and absurdly hilarious! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwrbyVaC6EU [...]

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Hawkman Gets No Respect (NSFW)

Hawkman Gets No Respect (NSFW)

In this video we learn that Hawkman is the Rodney Dangerfield of the superhero community. I call misrepresentation. If Superman ever talked to Carter like that in real life he'd get a Kryptonite mace up the pooper. This video is NSFW [...]

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