
NEW! Full Trailer for ‘DISTRICT 9’

Finally, The full trailer for the Neil Blomkamp Sci-Fi film District 9! While I've continued to be impressed with the viral videos, psa's and other viral marketing they've done for this film and I was already pumped for this movie but [...]

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MPAA Gives ‘District 9’ an ‘R’ Rating!

MPAA Gives ‘District 9’ an ‘R’ Rating!

Best..News..Ever! The posters are cool, the viral videos have and have already inspired excitement to see the film, and now the MPAA has given the Neil Blomkamp directed, Peter Jackson produced Sci-Fi film 'District 9' a glorious 'R' rating! We had assumed [...]

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District 9 Viral Video ‘High Alert’

District 9 Viral Video ‘High Alert’

I've been waiting for the viral videos for the Neil Blomkamp directed, Peter Jackson produced sci-fi film ‘District 9′ to start flooding the intertubes. They have done a cool job with all of the posters and other viral marketing and we [...]

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‘District 9’ Viral Hits the Streets

‘District 9’ Viral Hits the Streets

We can't wait to see Neill Blomkamp's District 9. They started a viral campaign awhile ago on the web that plays up the alien rights/we can co-exist mantra, now print ads have been released in the real world on things like [...]

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