Stan Lee Unveils His MARVEL Movie Predictions

Stan Lee Unveils His MARVEL Movie Predictions

Writer, editor, actor, producer, publisher, television personality, and the former president and chairman of Marvel Comics, Stan Lee has revealed the Marvel Comics franchises that he expects to receive movie adaptations in the future. Lee reiterated his belief that Dr [...]

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CAPTAIN AMERICA To Start Shooting In June

Production of Marvel Studio's The First Avenger: Captain America will reportedly start in June of 2010. The film's title character has yet to be cast and everyone from Will Smith and Channing Tatum have been rumored as options and Sam [...]

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Will MARVEL Film Captain America In Great Britain?

It has been reported that the upcoming Marvel film, The First Avenger: Captain America could be lensed in the UK. A California-based props maker Gregg Bilson Jr., the owner/operator of Independent Studio Services recently tweeted, "Marvel films is considering filming [...]

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Jude Law Denies Being Cast In THOR

Jude Law Denies Being Cast In THOR

Back in October, we told you about a casting rumor that had been reported by AICN that Jude Law was cast (along with Robert De Niroh in Kenneth Branagh's THOR. Now, Jude Law has denied a rumor that he is [...]

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