Cowboys & Aliens: Walton Goggins Joins The Cast

Cowboys & Aliens: Walton Goggins Joins The Cast

Walton Goggins (Justified, Predators) has joined the cast of director Jon Favreau's upcoming film, Cowboys and Aliens which is currently in production. Goggins joins a cast that includes Daniel Craig, Sam Rockwell, Olivia Wilde, Paul Dano, Harrison Ford, Keith Carradine, [...]

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First Look: The Set Of COWBOYS & ALIENS

First Look: The Set Of COWBOYS & ALIENS

Last month, director Jon Favreau posted a picture via twitter of Daniel Craig's shadowy silhouette in his Zeke Jackson costume during a lighting test for Cowboys & Aliens. Now, Favreau has posted the first picture from the set during a [...]

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Keith Carradine Joins DOLLHOUSE

Keith Carradine Joins DOLLHOUSE

"Dollhouse" adds Oscar-winning, Keith Carradine, to its cast for a recurring role this next season.  Carradine will play Matthew Harding, a businessman involved with the Dollhouse and who has history with Adelle, played by Olivia Williams, and Sierra, played by [...]

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