
Maguire Talks SPIDER-MAN 4 Delays

We previously reported that production on Spider-Man 4 had stalled due to a dispute over the film’s script. According to Deadline Hollywood, the sequel could miss its release date because of a difference of opinion between director Sam Raimi and [...]

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Stan Lee Unveils His MARVEL Movie Predictions

Stan Lee Unveils His MARVEL Movie Predictions

Writer, editor, actor, producer, publisher, television personality, and the former president and chairman of Marvel Comics, Stan Lee has revealed the Marvel Comics franchises that he expects to receive movie adaptations in the future. Lee reiterated his belief that Dr [...]

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DCU executive editor Dan DiDio has announced the first story-arc in Paul Levitz's forthcoming, Legion of Super-Heroes-starring run on Adventure Comics. Levitz recently stepped down as president and publisher of DC Comics following the announcement of the creation of DC [...]

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