Comic Book Review: Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2

Comic Book Review: Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2

Story: Al Ewing Art: Simon Fraser, Gary Caldwell Regular Cover: Alice X Zhang Publisher: Titan Comics Pages: 32 Release Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 Synopsis: THE ALL-NEW ADVENTURES OF THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR CONTINUE, AS TERROR STRIKES A RECESSION-HIT PARADISE! When the Doctor last visited Rokhandi, it was a [...]

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A SciFi Mafia Update

A SciFi Mafia Update

Good day, mafiosi! Just a quick (cool alien) head's up that, according to the good folks in engineering, our fresh news and reviews will be under some mysterious cloaking device for the next week or so. We've been having some [...]

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Comic Book Review: Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1

Comic Book Review: Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1

Writer: Nick Abadzis Artist: Elena Casagrande Publisher: Titan Comics Release Date: July 23, 2014 Synopsis: The Eisner Award-winning Nick Abadzis (Laika) and fan-favorite Elena Casagrande (Angel, Suicide Risk, Doctor Who, Star Trek) take control of the TARDIS for their first five-issue arc with the Tenth Doctor, [...]

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