Mad Monkeys in the Latest Clip From AFTER EARTH

Mad Monkeys in the Latest Clip From AFTER EARTH

These monkeys in the latest clips from After Earth starring Jaden and Will Smith are not pleased to see a human on their turf. Here's hoping that Jaden Smith is quick on his feet. Clip: After Earth - Monkey Discovery http://youtu.be/lYoK3FvkfC4 RUN! or [...]

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First Clip for AFTER EARTH

First Clip for AFTER EARTH

Even though I am constantly looking at my kids and saying, "repeat what I just said to you," I am hardly ever (ok never) speaking about such dire circumstances as this father and son (played by real world father and [...]

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First TV Spot for AFTER EARTH

First TV Spot for AFTER EARTH

The first official TV spot is out for After Earth starring Will Smith (Cypher Raige) and his son Jaden Smith (Kitai Raige) and it's packed with the creatures of Earth that make it impossible for mankind to live on our [...]

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