
Syfy’s BEING HUMAN Adds New Recurring Character

And you’ve seen her probably dozens of times in all sorts of shows over the years. We have her picture here, and as you look at it, I bet you’re thinking, “oh yes, her! Why, I’ve seen her probably dozens of times.” Her name is Amy Aquino (Castle, The Finder), and her part is said to be a “major recurring role” in the next season of Syfy‘s Being Human.

Deadline reports that she’ll be playing a woman who runs a local soup kitchen, and some how or another she’ll be helping to find Sally; we can safely presume she hasn’t actually possessed the radio from whence came her voice at the end of Season 2.


Being Human Season 3, starring Sam Witwer, Sam Huntington, and Meaghan Rath, is currently scheduled to premiere on January 14, 2013 on Syfy.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com