
SyFy’s American Version Of BEING HUMAN

SyFy is importing the BBC show “Being Human” about a vampire, a ghost, and a werewolf living together to America.  This version of “Being Human” will have an American cast.  SyFy has ordered thirteen episodes of the new series.   Mark Stern, the EVP for SyFy’s Original Programming, announced who they have tapped to write this American version of the show- the husband-and-wife-writing-team of Jeremy Carver (“Supernatural”) and Anna Fricke (The CW’s “Privileged”).  Stern talks about their decision to hired these writers:

“[He’s] kind of got the genre cred, and Anna comes out of a more character-based drama world, so between them they’ll be really interesting,”

SyFy is aiming for a summer premiere of the American version of “Being Human” as a companion show to “Sanctuary” that also has a vampire and werewolf character.  SyFy president, Dave Howe talks about the American version of “Being Human”:

“It turned out great, as we can now do an American version. We’ve always been keen on vampires and werewolves, and we loved the originality of Being Human, the fact that the fantastical creatures in it are very young, accessible and charming.”

Howe added that the SyFy take on the successful BBC show will not “slavishly replicate the British version.”

The BBC’s “Being Human” has six episodes in their first season and eight for season two which will air sometime in early 2010.  Watch all six eps of the first season now available for download from iTunes.


I am on the fence about this one- on the one hand, I was hugely impressed by the BBC original of this show so the premise itself is solid.  On the other hand, Americanized versions of British shows have mixed success.  SyFy, please don’t strike out on this one!  This is a show that doesn’t need a ton of crappy special effects!  For a show with supernatural creatures, the BBC’s “Being Human” doesn’t need that many special effects save to change George into a werewolf or the demise of a vampire.  So, please have some self-control, SyFy and don’t draw the attention away from the strength of this show which is the strong character development and interaction with lackluster cheap effects!  This is a gem of a show and I’d hate for this American version not to be true to the spirit of the original show.

[Source] ScifiWire

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!