
Steve Rogers Returns as Captain America

It’s been a long (and sometimes) confusing road for Steve Rogers, but this July the original super soldier is back in the red, white, and blue in Captain America #1, a new ongoing series by writer Ed Brubaker (Death of Captain America) and artist Steve McNiven (Civil War).

Captain America #615 saw the end of Bucky Barnes’ run as Cap, when the former sidekick was was tried and found guilty of crimes against the state he committed as the Winter Soldier. While we don’t know the fate of Bucky, we know that Brubaker will not make the transition smooth for Steve as Cap is already caught in the sights of a mysterious new foe that holds secrets that will rock the lives of everyone in his life.

“I gave myself a few challenges for this new #1 – I wanted to do the perfect Cap comic for anyone who walks out of the Cap movie and wants to know what’s next, but it also had to build on everything I’ve done on the book beforehand, too, and feel like the natural next step,” explained Brubaker. “Thank God Brevoort wrangled me Steve McNiven to pull all this off. Steve is at the top of his game, and no one draws action like him. I can’t wait for these issues to start coming out.”

Sounds like it’s gonna be full throttle out of the gate. McNiven, has said that working on Cap in depth is something he’s wanted to do since his work on Civil War. Look for the extra-sized Captain America #1 to hit newsstands this July.

[Source] CBR

Brandon Johnston
Written by Brandon Johnston

Brandon is a Reporter, Critic, Tornado Alley Correspondent, Technomancer, and Book Department Editor for SciFi Mafia®. When he's not writing for SciFi Mafia®, he's busy being a dad, a novelist, and a man with more hobbies and interests than is healthy for any one person to have.