

Syfy aired the series finale of Stargate Universe’s second season on Monday night. I hope you had a chance to catch it because it was one of the most moving series finales in recent memory. Though this finale was taped to be a season finale, it still worked well with bringing closure to the series and hard earned character development while ultimately leaving the storyline open-ended.

SGU star David Blue’s character, Eli Wallace, had a large part to play in the series finale and brought home the spirit of the Destiny and the determination of mankind to explore the universe with a truly heart-breaking performance in “Gauntlet.”

“I’m really proud of how I feel about Eli having now finished the show. I’m really proud of where he grew to and where he went, and I would love to see it further, but, to me, it was a cool place to end it… At the end of the day I’m happy with it, because it makes me feel like the ‘Stargate’ universe continues on.”

SGU co-creator Brad Wright had originally conceived the series with a five-year plan and considering that fact, the question has been raised: Will there be an SGU movie?

Unfortunately, the answer is currently ‘no.’ Wright confirmed that there will not be an SGU television movie. He had planned on combining the forces of all three Stargate series, SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe, into a single Stargate storyline as he described here:

“I intended to incorporate elements from both ‘SG-1’ and ‘Atlantis’ to make it a ‘Stargate’ movie and not just a ‘Universe’ movie. The combination of elements also happened to be the only way I could think of compressing what was intended to be a longer series arc into one movie.”

So with that idea a no-go, where does that leave the Stargate franchise? This is the first time in fourteen years that we do not have an active Stargate series on television. Wright shared his thoughts on the closing of SGU’s chapter and the future of the franchise:

“I feel proud. But I’d by lying if I didn’t say it’s a shame ‘SGU’ was canceled. It deserved at least a final season, and where we were going with the story was very cool.

It’s MGM’s property. I was just a participant. If they brought it back, I’m not sure if they would get the guy who created the last one that got canceled!”

Blue hoped that the series would live on in the “hearts and imaginations of fans:”

“I think we told some cool stories. I think we really existed in the ‘Stargate‘ world. And, with the way things end up [in the series finale], I really feel like it’s going to continue in the hearts and imaginations of the fans.”

For now, we will have to hope that MGM decides to invest in another Stargate series or follows through with greenlighting a television or straight-to-DVD-movie. I believe that the Stargate franchise is strong enough to maintain its fan base. Like the message of the finale, we must have hope to survive.

[Source] TVSquad

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!