

Executive producer for both Stargate Universe and Stargate Atlantis, Joseph Mallozzi let loose some great intel for Stargate fans. There will be a crossover between SGU and Atlantis in our future! Though Mallozzi kept his announcement rather vague on the details, fans of the Stargate series will sure to be excited nonetheless. Check out his announcement from his blog below:

“With word from producer John G. Lenic that the deals have been closed on those Atlantis alums, we can now move forward on the script, secure in the knowledge that both extra-special guest stars will actually be on hand to say the dialogue written specifically for them. Great news for fans of the old series. There was a reluctance to move ahead with an SGA crossover, particularly on my part, because the feeling was it would step on the timing of the SGA movie, Stargate: Extinction, the events of which directly proceed the Atlantis series finale, Enemy at the Gate. But given the delay on the movie front and the ideal premise pitched out by Remi Aubuchon and Brad Wright, it was decided to go ahead with the crossover.”

Mallozzi says that this crossover “in no way affects the timing of the [Extinction] film’s production, only the timing of the story itself. And what I have up my sleeve for Todd and co. remains unchanged.”

[Source] JosephMallozzi

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi Mafia.com, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!