
Soundtrack Review: ICON Trailer Music – Dawning Promises

ICON Dawning Promises Cover ArtMusic Composed and Produced by: ICON Trailer Music (Joel Goodman and Frederik Wiedmann)

Release Date: October 8, 2013

Format: Digital Download

Number of Discs: n/a (20 tracks, approx. 48 minutes)


ICON Trailer Music announces their first commercial album release with Dawning Promises on October 8, 2013 (available at http://icontrailermusic.bandcamp.com). Featuring the impactful music that audiences have come to expect from trailers, Dawning Promises combines the sounds of a live orchestra with choir to produce an instrumental-based high energy and exciting album. ICON Trailer Music was founded by veteran film and television composers Joel Goodman (TV’s American Experience) and Frederik Wiedmann (TV’s Beware the Batman).

Dawning Promises features music by established trailer music composers, Los Angeles top call studio musicians and unique artists from around the world, making it a true international collaboration. The album features 20 tracks.

“Initially our focus was to produce music specifically for motion picture advertising – i.e. film trailers,” said Goodman. “Everything we did was catered towards the professional market. But when we put our music on YouTube, we noticed an immediate reaction from a very active and passionate trailer music fan community.”

It was this response that led the two to create Dawning Promises. Wiedmann explained, “While growing our catalog, we had a lot of requests from fans about an official album. So we decided to release our first commercial album, with tons of never heard before thematic epic trailer music.”

ICON Trailer Music was founded in 2011 by veteran film and television composers Joel Goodman and Frederik Wiedmann. Their music embodies the essence of “epic.” Goodman and Wiedmann excel at creating enormous orchestral themes and electrifying hybrid compositions built around sweeping and memorable melodies. Impactful. High-energy. Thrilling. Explosive. Heartpounding. Gut-wrenching. Triumphant. Awesomely awesome. ICON Trailer Music features the use of live orchestra and choir, utilizing contemporary instrumentation and featuring modern recording, mixing and mastering techniques and with the end use in mind.

The great thing about trailer music is that every single piece that we create is an epic journey,” said Wiedmann. “Each track tells a unique story that might be different for every listener. Listening to this music is an experience.”

Goodman agrees. “Trailer music is dramatic. Each piece of music we write is conceived against the backdrop of a strong and vivid cinematic aesthetic. We immediately draw the fan into this world and show them everything that it has to offer – the tension, the drama, the triumph and the resolution – all in a relatively short amount of time. This resonates with fans because, much like the movies, it offers an escape. But unlike the movies, the fans have the freedom to fill in the visuals however they choose. These are two-minute adventures into worlds we can really only dream of.”

Trailer: ICON Trailer Music – Dawning Promises

What a cool soundtrack. Well, this … unassigned soundtrack? personal soundtrack? soundtrack waiting for a movie? I love this idea. I’ve listened to plenty of soundtracks to movies I haven’t seen, and imagined them in different settings. But this is different, because even if I haven’t seen the movie, I’m at least somewhat familiar with the storyline, and of course that comes into play subconsciously.

Here, though, there is no context. You are free to imagine anything you like. Of course, most of We Who Love Sci-Fi will imagine all sorts of wonderful sci-fi-ish scenarios, and for the most part that would work perfectly with this music. There are a few, like (ironically) “Visions of Grandeur”, and actually the title song (in the trailer above) that maybe sound a little too squishy, but there are twenty tracks in this soundtrack, each about two and a half minutes long, and nearly all of them would work in Our Kind of Movies.

Check out the titles:

1. A Legacy Uncovered 02:28
2. A Mighty Force 02:53
3. Dawning Promises 02:30
4. Origins Unveiled 02:20
5. The Protector Prepares 02:21
6. Hero to the Helpless 02:31
7. The Eye of the Oracle 02:22
8. In Shining Defiance 02:26
9. Devising Dangerous Designs 02:31
10. Rise of the Renegade 02:30
11. Rewarding Radiance 02:25
12. The Burden of a Blessing 02:15
13. When Dusk Turns Dark 02:28
14. Quick Burning Wick 02:30
15. Fluid Commotion 02:30
16. The Clock Strikes Rebellion 02:14
17. Over Centuries 01:56
18. Eternal Honor 02:21
19. Visions of Grandeur 02:09
20. Purity Shall Prevail 02:10

So there’s your guidance, if you want a little help in what exactly you should be imagining. And because the tracks are short, if you come across one that doesn’t suit your mood, just move on to the next. It really is a fun listen.

Soundtrack junkies, check this one out, the latest work from a couple of terrific composers. Parents, check this one out, a great soundtrack to battling plastic dinosaurs. Drivers, check this one out, while you bravely maneuver through traffic. Let your imagination run wild.

I give ICON Trailer Music – Dawning Promises Four Out of Five Stars.



You can listen to excerpts from Dawning Promises or purchase the MP3 download from Amazon; here’s the link:


Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com