Sneak Peek of ‘Day One’- NBC’s Upcoming Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Show


(pictured L to R: Xander Berkeley, Carly Pope, Adam Campbell, April Grace, Julie Gonzalo, David Lyons, Thekla Reuten, Catherine Dent, Addison Timlin and Derek Mio)

You know, with the apocalypse being a strong theme running through our various lines of entertainment these days, would you be surprised at all to hear about a sci-fi show NBC will roll out next season that’s about… you guessed it the apocalypse and its aftermath.

This is the show’s official description:

In the aftermath of a global event that devastates the world’s infrastructures, a small band of survivors strives to rebuild society and unravel the mysteries of why the event took place and what the future has in store. Told from the point of view of an eclectic group of neighbors in a Van Nuys, California apartment building, this journey of survival will show us that hope is found in the smallest of victories and heroes are born every day.

Here’s the trailer for ‘Day One’ that leaked onto the net.

Looks like summer blockbuster budget for destruction, right? I have to say though that some of those skyscrapers coming down still trigger memories for me of our Twin Towers coming down, but the cause of ‘Day One’s destruction is not the same.

Jesse Alexander (producer creds on Heroes, Lost, and Alias) created the show and here’s how the show came about:

“I’ve always been obsessed with the idea of the ordinary world transformed and becoming extraordinary and special. As a kid, I was always into action adventure, science fiction entertainment and I love the escapism of it…. After working on Lost and Heroes and really thinking about how to do an ensemble show of ordinary people in an extraordinary situation, I kinda latched onto this idea of this apartment complex… it’s such a great way to have strangers lumped together in close proximity… and yet this amazing thing happens and forces them to come together and work together to survive.”

There’s been speculation that this might be another ‘Jericho’, but sources say, ‘no’.  It will have a stronger sci-fi element than ‘Jericho’.  The show will premiere mid-season, after the coverage of the winter Olympics.

[Source] Scifiwire, NBC

Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer
Written by Lillian 'zenbitch' Standefer

is Senior Managing Editor for SciFi, skips along between the lines of sci-fi, fantasy, and reality, and is living proof that geek girls really DO exist!