
Season Premiere Title Revealed Plus Monster News for DOCTOR WHO

It’s getting closer and closer. It must be, don’t you think? First comes Comic-Con, then comes Syfy’s summer shows, then comes Doctor Who. It just seems natural. We’ve been sharing set photos and bits and pieces of news about the upcoming season, and now we have another bit to share: the name of the premiere episode of the season. Oh woop ti doo, you say, what good is that to us? You’ll see…

Because the name of the episode is rather revealing: “Asylum of the Daleks”! Yes, our favorite egg-beater-armed Whovian enemies will be on hand, as it were, to welcome us back to the wonderful world of the Doctor. Here’s a brief synopsis of the episode from British nonprofit BFI, who will be hosting an advance screening of the episode on August 14 for those lucky enough to get tickets:

 The Doctor’s back! He’s joined by his trusted companions, the Ponds, and the three find themselves in an extremely precarious situation, where they come face to face with the Doctor’s oldest and most dangerous enemy… the Daleks. Catch the exclusive screening of the explosive new episode followed by a Q&A with writer Steven Moffat – recent recipient of the BAFTA Special Award – and members of the cast and crew. (Final panel to be confirmed).

Speaking of panels, we may not know until as late as Sunday for certain whether or not there will be a Doctor Who panel at Comic-Con and who might be in attendance, but the G4 press release that we posted yesterday mentioned that they will be speaking with people from the show, so it’s looking good.

But I digress. How about an air date for the season premiere episode? The best guess has been provided by DoctorWhoTV who report that the episode has already been announced for screening at the Edinburgh Film Festival, just as it was last year, and that last year the episode screened on Friday of the festival, with an onscreen premiere the next day.

This year the festival runs August 23-25. If the episode screens at this year’s festival on Friday, August 24, it’s very possible that they will get a Season 7 premiere in the UK on Saturday, August 25, a bank holiday weekend (unlike the US, big TV events in the UK are often scheduled for holidays). SO… if BBC America continues to be as wonderful as it has been recently in its same-as-UK scheduling, we will also be seeing episode 701 here in the US on Saturday, August 25 as well! HOORAY!

In other Who news: Along with the good ol’ Daleks, and of course the Weeping Angels as we showed you in April, we have now also been promised a new monster in the upcoming season, by the showrunner himself, Steven Moffat, who recently tweeted:

Ah, excellent news. All in all this is shaping up into an excellent new season, as we always expect it will be. We’ll keep you posted as we get more information on panels, monsters, dates, and all things Doctor Who. Just for a refresher, here’s that Season 7 trailer once more, for your viewing and analyzing pleasure:


Can. Not. Wait.

Doctor Who Season 7, starring Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, and Arthur Darvill, is potentially premiering in August on the BBC and BBC America.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com