
Say Howdy to Tonight’s New DOCTOR WHO With TV Spots and a Clip

These are the halcyon days; the days when we can kid ourselves into thinking that having new Doctor Who on our TVs is very exciting and wonderful thing, but completely normal and natural. “Doctor Who? Of course it’s on, it’s Saturday!” But once we’ve seen tonight’s new episode, the depression will start in. Only two more episodes left, then nothing until Christmas…

Until then, let us savor these glory days by enjoying these lovely TV spots, clip, and another look at the cool poster for the new episode:

TV Spot: Doctor Who Season 7 – Inside Look: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (BBC America Exclusive)


TV Spot: Doctor Who Season 7 – Ep 3 A Town Called Mercy


Clip: Doctor Who Season 7 – A Town Called Mercy: The Saloon


Ah yes, the western episode, set in America and shot in Italy. Remember when we first heard about this? So long ago it seems… Bring it on, pardner.

Doctor Who, starring Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, and Arthur Darvill, airs Saturdays at 9/8c on BBC America.

Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com