
Rumor Has It: Lex Luthor Has Been Cast for MAN OF STEEL 2

bryan cranston

Divided you lot may be over the casting of Ben Affleck as Batman in the upcoming Man of Steel sequel to be written by David S. Goyer and directed by Zack Snyder, but I believe we can all be united in agreement for the latest rumor for the casting of epic bad guy, Lex Luthor.

Cosmic Book News is reporting that Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston will be taking on the part of Lex Luthor and that the news will be announced officially after the Breaking Bad finale in September. They are also reporting that he will be making varying sized appearances in anywhere from six to ten DC movies. Wowsers. Any fans of Breaking Bad most definitely know that Bryan Cranston is certainly capable of tapping into his dark side, but we’ll keep you posted on the official announcement.

UPDATED 9/4/2013

Bleeding Cool reported on an article from The Boston Globe (the article BC cites for THB isn’t the article mentioning Cranston as Lex Luthor, and the one that they do mean to cite is only accessable with a subscription, AND WHO HAS TIME FOR THAT?) saying that it’s all news to Bryan Cranston. Oh well. It’s still fun to think about.

The Untitled Man of Steel Sequel is slated to hit theaters on July 17, 2015.

Jess Orso
Written by Jess Orso

Jess is the Managing Editor and Southern Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com