
Rumor Has It! Daniel Day-Lewis Wanted for SUPERMAN Reboot

Earlier this week, we brought you the news that Viggo Mortensen (A Dangerous Method) is reportedly at the top of Warner Bros. list to portray the villainous ‘General Zod’ in Zack Snyder‘s hotly anticipated Superman reboot being produced by Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Rises).

Now, according to Moviehole, Snyder and the producers of the reboot have their sights set on Daniel Day-Lewis (There Will Be Blood, Nine) for a currently unspecified role in the movie. Some have speculated that Day-Lewis could play Zod if scheduling conflicts prohibit Viggo Mortensen from joining the cast, and others think they may be looking at the actor to play Jor-El, Superman‘s Kryptonian father.

Jor-El was portrayed by Marlon Brando in Richard Donner‘s film, Superman: The Movie and again via archive footage in Bryan Singer‘s film, Superman Returns. Terrence Stamp voiced the disembodied spirit of Jor-El in The CW television series Smallville, and then seen in season 9 of the series, portrayed by Julian Sands.

Superman (aka Superman: Man of Steel) is slated to hit theaters in 2012.

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®