
Rodriquez Talks Sin City 2 Plot

For the third time in the last 6 months Robert Rodriquez has hinted that the upcoming Sin City 2 will begin shooting this year. This go around though he spilled to IGN the plot details. It will as everyone though be focused on A Dame To Kill For but also new material Frank Miller will be writing for the film; As for the story in the film, Rodriguez said that it will include the Sin City story “A Dame to Kill For” as well as new additional material written by Miller himself.

“There’s a lot of stories,” Rodriguez said. “That was sort of the approach I took to it. That’s why there’s three stories in the [first] movie, because I thought, ‘I love this material, but gosh, what happens if it’s not successful and I don’t get to make a part two and part three. I still want to see “The Big Fat Kill” and “That Yellow Bastard.”‘ So I wanted to put them all in one movie so I could at least get some of these stories out of my system. But there’s still so many books and so many stories to do.”

Here is hoping it happens sooner rather then later and brings back the Miller magic so we can all get The Spirit out of our minds.

Written by SciFiMafia

SciFi Mafia® Staff