
RAMBO Will No Longer Battle A Half Human SciFi Creature In RAMBO V


Back in September we brought you the news that the nemesis in Rambo V would be “a terror beyond their wildest imagination, a half-human abomination created by renegade agency through a series of outlawed genetic experiments”. Now, Sylvester Stallone has told StalloneZone that they’ve changed their minds about Rambo V:

To all the loyal SZoners out there,

I’m letting you know that Rambo has changed course and the story about hunting the man/beast will be done using another character in the lead. RAMBO himself will be heading over the border to a violent city where many young women have vanished.

There will be blood.


Sly Stallone

What’s interesting is that this is now the storyline the trades originally reported the project was going to go with.

It was in August when the trades said the “storyline for the fifth film revolves around Rambo fighting his way through human traffickers and drug lords to rescue a young girl abducted near the U.S.-Mexico border.” You can read about that and our original story about Rambo V here

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®