
Producer Dan Lin Says Warner Bros Will Unveil Superhero Strategy In January

We’ve been hearing plenty of DC/Warner Bros. rumors lately, from Christopher Nolan is working on a follow-up to The Dark Knight and suspect to new Supergirl movie and a Hawkman feature film. Well, it seems as though some real news directly from Warner Bros may be coming our way very shortly.

Producer Dan Lin has revealed that:

“They’re unveiling their DC strategy in January so you’ll hear more about that and they’ll speak about that in the new year.”

In an interview with Collider, Lin described the shelved Justice League Mortal as a “dream project”.

He explained:

“I’ll say it’s the reason I started my company. You know, I thought that was the ultimate project.

“I was a fanboy for me to work with all those characters together on a team and kind of the themes of that movie. That’s my dream. It’s on-hold right now as DC sorts out its strategy but it seems like they’re building to Justice League instead of going with the team movie first and doing individual movies after that.”

“The only other one besides Justice League that I’m working on is the Suicide Squad. That’s a different kind of superhero movie. For us that’s a supervillain movie. It’s almost Dirty Dozen set in the world of supervillains. That’s the only one for me that’s on the front burner.

“I would say what is easier in general is to pitch something with source material. So the first layer is it’s easier to set something out with source material so it’s something tangible that executives and even producers can discuss. The next layer is if they have a fan base. So, that’s certainly comic books would qualify as that. And I would say the next layer on that if we’re looking at this like a cake – the next layer would be a real brand name.”

“So not only do they have a fan base like Bone but I’d say Justice League is the next layer up where I’m in the street….you talk about Batman, Superman, that’s really well known. So those are the three things that really factor in.”

“The business model has been proven but there’s a glut of them in the market place now. So the question now is how do you differentiate the comic book you bring to the studio or even the comic book movie you bring to the studio makes it different.

“You mentioned Losers, Avengers, Justice League – even in the area of team movies there are already a lot of comic books. You have to figure how do you differentiate yours.”

On whether the forever-in-development Wonder Woman movie will ever be made, Lin added:

” I don’t know. Just as an outside observer I know they talk about it as a movie and also a TV show. I don’t know if they’ve figured out which way to go or is it better to put her in a team movie first and then have her come off that. Truth is, I don’t know.”

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®