
Prepare for the TRUE BLOOD Season 6 Finale – Yes, Already – With Featurette and Clips

trueblood title wide

How could this have happened? Where has the summer gone? How could True Blood already be season finale-ing? Ah well, time moves on, and the good news is that a) we know for a fact that True Blood will be back in 2014, and b) we have lots of other good things coming our way in the fall, so there, True Blood! We will move on with our lives and our viewing while we wait, and wait.

But wait! Let’s get that finale in first! To prepare, we have a new Inside the Episode featurette – that service for Terry was really so wonderful – and two clips from the upcoming finale.

Featurette: True Blood – Season 6: Inside the Episode #9

Clip: True Blood – Season 6: Episode 10 A Pleasant Surprise

Clip: True Blood – Season 6: Episode 10 No Shrinking Violet

Oh True Blood, Season 5, we will miss you. Gone too soon…

True Blood Season 6, starring Anna PaquinStephen MoyerSam TrammellRyan KwantenRutina WesleyAlexander SkarsgårdChris BauerKristin Bauer van StratenNelsan EllisTodd LoweJoe ManganielloCarrie PrestonDeborah Ann WollRob KazinskyArliss HowardAmelia Rose Blaire, and Jurnee Smollett, airs its Season 6 finale on Sunday, August 17 at 9/8c on HBO.


Erin Willard
Written by Erin Willard

Erin is the Editor In Chief and West Coast Correspondent for SciFiMafia.com