
Paramount Is Making a MAGIC 8 BALL Movie

I really wish this shocked me. Battleship, Monopoly and View-master just weren’t pushing the toy-to-movie trend far enough. Now, Paramount Pictures has optioned Mattel‘s Magic 8 Ball for a live action adventure film. There are no details on what the story might be about, but Jon Gunn and John Mann (Mercy Streets) are writing the screenplay.

Deadline reports that the deal is being put in place by Paramount Motion Picture Group president Adam Goodman, and will be produced by Brad Weston. Mattel‘s Tim Kilpin and Barry Waldo are executive producers on the project.

Just in case you were abused as a child and weren’t provided toys – the Magic 8-Ball is a round, plastic object resembling an over-sized 8-ball in billiards that contains a 20-sided die floating in mystery liquid. You ask it a question, shake the 8-ball and small window displays one of 20 standard answers on the die.

What do you think about a Magic 8 Ball movie? Let us know in the comments

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®