
Pandorum’s Christian Alvart Adapting CAPTAIN FUTURE

Christian Alvart (Pandorum, Case 39), has acquired the rights to and is currently working on a script for an adaptation of the pulp magazine Captain Future: Man of Tomorrow. Captain Future, created in 1939 by Edmond Hamilton is an adventurer and scientist who roams the solar system solving problems, righting wrongs, and vanquishing futuristic villains.

In an recent interview, Alvart revealed that he was a huge Captain Future fan growing up, and that he spent years trying to get the rights.

“I was a huge CAPTAIN FUTURE fan growing up. In elementary school I spent my whole allowance on the toys and the sticker collection which were quite a big deal in Germany. There was the popular Anime show in the 80’s of course, but I also read all the original novels by Science Fiction pioneer Edmond Hamilton and loved them. It took us a couple of years to investigate and option the rights for the CAPTAIN FUTURE property and I’m very happy that we have the development financing together and are finally ready to move forward with the script.

We are developing CAPTAIN FUTURE as a big fun space opera for the whole family – hoping to recreate that same sense of excitement that I had discovering space through the CAPTAIN’s eyes. There are many smart and adult ideas in the franchise for grown-ups to enjoy, but this will definitely be something they can take their kids to as well.

Like THE FIFTH ELEMENT this will be a big budget Science Fiction movie developed and produced out of Europe with an international cast. CAPTAIN FUTURE still has a huge fan base in countries like France (CAPTAIN FLAM), Italy (CAPITAN FUTURO) Germany and the UK. I know the fans will watch very closely where we take their beloved CAPTAIN and I hope they will be as excited about him conquering the big screen as we are now working in his Universe.

CAPTAIN FUTURE will be about Curtis Newton’s first adventure and therefore – in part – his origin story. We are also in development on a possible sequel called CAPTAIN FUTURE – WIZARD OF SCIENCE which would be ready instantly if box office returns are promising.

And yes, since I get your question all the time: “Will we see the COMET in 3D?” You bet we we will!”

[Source] QuietEarth

Jason Moore
Written by Jason Moore

is a member of the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films and the Founder/Editor In Chief of SciFi Mafia®